Friday, October 20, 2006

Macau & Others

Looking forward to the following things:
1) My impending monthly trip back home to Manila. It will be my nephew's and best friend's daughter's baptismals. I will be doing a back-to-back baptismal while at the same time having a few out-of-the-country guests coming over. I hope I can do it all and still be able to have some r&r...NOT!

2) Macau trip this Sunday with the company for some bonding time. Going to leave Hong Kong around 8am, stroll around the city, have lunch, check out the casinos and have an afternoon snack and leave before dinner since it's a Sunday and all. There will be some who would stay longer for dinner but I know three or four of us would like to head back before dinner to give us time to rest. I'm sure it's going to be really busy since there were a few new hotels that opened up yesterday. We had to buy your ferry tickets today (Friday) for a Sunday trip since we are afraid that there wouldn't be anymore by then.

3) Got something in the works but currently can't divulge this but I will keep you posted when it's finally time.

4) I was able to scrap a bit since I'm super stressed with work and other matters. I made three other layouts but currently can't have this posted due to the kit is not ready for release yet. I will post it here when the time comes.

Title: Zoo
Kit Name: Peach Swirl
Designer: Teri Hanson (Divine Digital)

Title: Mr. A-Z
Kit Name: Seasonal Templates #2 and Pirate Drunge
Designer: Doodleboogs

**I am so happy to hear that my good scrap pal, Michelle, is still on the last lap for Scraprace. You might want to check out her site - Mizzm - in my links section. Giving you lots of love dear!Also, happy trip!

1 comment:

  1. Hey hun.. thanks for the shout out!!

    The layouts look gorgeous!! I like!

    Take lots of photos in Macau girl!!! More scrapping materials!! LOL!

    Enjoy yourself and I'll catch up with you when I get back! *muach*
