Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Weather awful...but Mojo ever present...

Weather is just aweful...2pm looked like 7pm already! It doesn't help that days are really shorter during this winter season. Hope weather gets better for my impending trip back home. Believe mom's excited to be heading back too...she's packing her stuff already. :)

Got a few LOs done today...simple because they are templates...half of the mojo needed is done and I just needed to pick the papers and ribbons to go where they are suppose to. :) Super thank you for these, Doodleboogs!

Got a few more news about relationships breaking up - serious ones for the matter - all heading down the aisle. There is just too many going around these days on that. Really sad to have to hear that long term relationships put to the test, didn't pass even through time...or have it even take a start to a more serious level. Strongly believe that if it's not meant to be, then maybe it really isn't. Some were for very good reason
Never got to understand how someone could tell their partner that they would know if they want to be together or be married to them by a certain time like say "can we delay *this* to like July 2007*?" (*Note: hypothetical date and anonymously stated.) I'm so amazed on how one could pick that and say such a thing...like they can predict that exact on what they would be able to decide on that specific day. They should try using their psychic power to pick the lotto numbers instead.

For someone who one has been with for so long...you would think there would be some honesty or some "reputation-saving" act that would come out of all this. I guess not. Had to recommend this self-discovery book - He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt. This book really had opened my eyes to what men or what we, women, really have to think and not kid ourselves with "mixed signals". Harsh is life and thus we have to just treat is as harsh as it can throw on us. :)
One important thing I've learned from the book:

It's unfortunately the truth. My belief is that if you have to be the aggressor, if you have to pursue, if you have to do the asking out, nine times out of ten, he's just not that into you...Men don't forget how much they like you...If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will.

~by Greg Behrendt


************Some LOs******************
Title: Merry Xmas ~From ASM
Template: Holiday Template #2 by Doodleboogs (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit: Falling Leaves by Deborah Vessels (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Font: Monotype Corsiva

Title: Fall to Winter
Template: Holiday Template #2 by Doodleboogs (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit: Winter Wonderland by Angela Sharrow (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Font: Monotype Corsiva
Photo Credit: Angie Li (Paris 2006 - Versailles)
Journaling: How beautifully the leaves grow old. How full of light and color their last days. (by John Burroughs)


  1. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Wonderful pic and great layout ! :)

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Love the first one too with the warm colors, and the arabesques !

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Love the pp elements you have used on your digi LO!

  4. Wow! Love the quote from that book. Maybe I should get it. It is sad to see relationships breaking up, but I do think that it's better that way than for people to get married and realise then that it's not meant to be.

    Great layouts girl. Love the winter one. Gorgeous!
