Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This Week: Color Palettes and Newsletter Feature

If you got some time to surf a bit, do check out found Wendy Gibson's blog below...an accidental coincidence since I was looking for ways and means to coordinate colors well in my layouts. The color palette site that she provided on her blog was quite informative and useful for my future scrap needs...especially if I'm bogged down with color matchings. :)
I found one of her entries pretty interesting about the website below:
You enter the url of your photo and it will generate a color palette for you that you can use on scrap pages. It seems so like Pantone Colors - so coded for online and HTML use. :)

Found out that Malou, a fellow online scrapper in the US, will be visiting the Philippines around the time that I'd be back for Easter break. Very excited with the thought that we could possibly meet up! I gave her some scrapbook store locations since she told me will be doing some scrapbook materials hunting.
See you soon, Malou! :)

I got featured in this week's Monday News from Digizines Digital Den Newsletter...It's the layout titled "Girl", last row, 2nd photo. Very cool that I just had to post it up here since not all will know about this unless you're subscribed to the weekly updates of Digizines Digital Den (http://www.digizinesdigitalden.com) :)


Title: A Baby Girl...
Kit Name: Subtle Skies (Part 2) available at DigizinesDigitalDen Kit Designer: Deborah Vessels
Program: PS7.0
Kit Link: http://digizinesdigitalden.com/zstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=17&zenid=070eeff31bf4ce52d93a19c9621a4d09
Font: Footlight MT Light
Journaling: A baby girl...one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in our world today.
Notes: A good friend's photo of her new baby and her...so cute and always ready for her next photo-opt. :) Thanks for sharing your photos, Ellen!

Title: 24/7 Love
Kit Name: Tiny Pilot Page Set (available at Scrapbook-Elements)
Kit Designer: Mikki Livanos
Kit Link: http://store.scrapbook-elements.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&manufacturers_id=81&products_id=8160
Journaling: 24/7 Love / just a typical day of JJ Jr... one of my daily visits to my nephew during my trip back in Jan 2007
Word Art: included in kit
Program: PS7.0
Font: Eras Demi ITC and Gill Sans MT Condensed
Notes: A cute photos of my nephew, JJ Jr - growing up by the minute so gotta have these sort of photos before it's too late. JJ Jr loves this area of their house - at the living room couch - since he gets to check out his father at work and the latest things on bloomberg...aside from play around with the stuff within his reach. :) I just adore this little guy...you can so see me be the "doting aunt". :)


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Hi! Thanks for visiting our website. :) You should put one up too... haha, being uzi. :P have fun with your preps, and congratulations!

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Your nephew is such a cutie pie! Congrats on being in the digi newsletter. I am very excited to meeting you this April, that will be soon coz' I am counting the days til our PHilippines trip. Thanks, again girl for the tip on the scrapbooking stores.!

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    great stuff - congrats on the digi stuff - did you check out my blog for a freebie kit? - would love to see you use it :) Some great stuff here - I especially love the 24/7 one :)
