Monday, May 14, 2007

Thai Basil + GEOX + Club Monaco + Random Quotes = Interesting

~- went out with Swong to Thai Basil. It's been a very long time since we last wen there. I do miss their Pork Neck (thanks to my bro for highlighting this). We had:
Prawn & Crabmeat Noodle Soup
Pork Neck with Spicey Dip
Garlic Bok Choi
White wine for each of us...NICE!

~ Swong & I didn't get to do her measurements since she forgot to bring her measuring tape. Instead, we went to the HK Yacht Club and had dessert. :P Talk about getting side-tracked! We were suppose to get Crepe Suzette but the resto that night had a special set of menu and Crepes were not part of the menu. Boo! Oh well, we got two different desserts and it was fine. We basically chick chatted the night away. It's always a treat to be out and about with big sister! :)
Side Comment: was my first job back in the IT Boom in HK. It's great to see it still running and providing resto/food searches up to now.

~ lunch @ Crystal Jade: good dependable for me and had a craving for fried rice. I think it's somehow Ed's fault. :P
~ afternoon tea @ Agnes b Le Pain Grille behind Lee Garden. Super elated to have learned that Ming, one of my favorite waiters, has now been promoted as Assistant Manager and is now in the old venue training people! Teddy's (pictured) there with him and it's like "old times" again! I love these guys. I can always expect great service from these two men!

~ shopped like there's no tomorrow again at the Agnes b (Lee Gardens) store. It was suppose to be a "browsing session only". I ended up getting one cool B&W stripe shirt, a nice "b" pin and an acid-wash black jeans (always need these things nowadays...can't be wearing jeans for more than a month without washing...that would be too gross now wouldn't it :P). It was great but definitely hard on my wallet.
For this store, I really have (see the stress on that word?) to go every weekend...even if it's just to browse since the store gets new pieces each week. It's hard to find the right clothing article for me but when I do find one that works, I snap it up like a hot potato! :) In HK, everyone has the money for everything so anything nice will always be sold out as soon as it lands on the shelves. Money is no object in this town.

~ dim sum at Tao Heng at CWB, 6th floor of Windsor House
While my visiting friends went off to the Food Expo Trade Show in Wan Chai, I went off to Central to look for my mom's GEOX "baby blue" shoes since the Sogo store in CWB didn't have the color or style that she wanted. Most of the shoes there were patended.
Central's IFC has always been a good shopping source and today was no exception. Since even if I didn't get to find the "baby blue" color, I did find her three other pairs with one of them being "light blue". The others were a suade orange/tangerine (super nice when worn) and a beige/light yellow one. All three had new the new buckle style. The ones that she wanted - round buckle with stones is already outdated! Hahahaha!

~- Contributed to the Hong Kong shopping economy yet again (as per KW's definition)...aside from yesterday's Agnes b finds, this time at Club Monacco with a Chloe-like dress~I saw the poster when I was at IFC. Mission was to find nice summer-and-chic dresses but then I saw the poster...and got mezmerized with how good it looked! It seemed an easy dress to carry and thus wanted to try it out. :) It's rare in HK to have the exact dress on the poster in the store but this one was available and came in two colors - grey and beige. I just got a nice grey dress last two weekends ago so I opted for the beige one. Plus that's what the model on the poster wore - so it had to be that one. :P I'm planning to wear this one soon...before it goes out of style. This is one style that seems to work with me compared to the other Chloe-like dresses that I've tried on in the past. I wonder why the model's dress seems smaller than mine though I think she's smaller than me...and I got the smallest size that it comes in! This is what I got, though I think the model is a smaller size since the neckline of the poster is higher than mine. My colleague told me that maybe because she's bigger and is longer. That could also be it. :P Isn't it Chloe-like? How I wish I can just get any dress/clothing that can fit me as easily as typical models do. (Though if you think about it - good that's it's what it is else I'd be in a hole of debt!)

~ got home around 12am with friends after dinner at Crystal Jade (yes...twice in a row). Tired but good feelings all over to be able to be a good enough tour guide. :)

Some Random Things:
Best Quotes of Heard Most Recently
#1: KW

"...its not scary for women to shop coz its normal. Better to shop and have taste in fashion rather than those women that don't know how to dress themselves right? haha... So, don't think that you got robbed. It's like you just lend your money to the shop and you will feel better.... I do think that Beauty has no comparison with money."
Story: Was telling KW that I got "robbed" (yet again) after visiting Club Monaco on Sunday. We have the same taste in shoes, a Puma Speedcat B&W (I got mine to match EW's), and has the motto that it's not scary/crazy for girls to love shopping. He believes that this is all part of a woman's nature. Also...get this - super sweet to say, even if it's just to me.
FYI: this could be a great pick-up conversation to shopaholics!

#2: MS

"Sounds like you don't live in Vancouver and off the market!"

Side Story: Got reacquainted with an old high school classmate of mine back in BNSS. Sweet to even get this sort of thing after all these years. :)


Kit Link: Salientia Exploration by Doodleboogs
Program: PS7.0
Font: Script MT Bold
n. [ME ]
1. a collector of treasures and heroes
2. a source of found objects in laundry (e.g., rocks, twigs, etc.)
3. his father's pride and his mother's heart.
Notes: Nephew getting what he wanted...the cordless phone. He just loves anything and everything electronic especially his dad's laptop computer or the TV's remote control...but for now, the cordless will suffice.


  1. That dinner looks very yummy!

  2. MMM, girl! YOu should be a food critique!!!

  3. Yummy dinner and nice layout as well. What is TYFL, BTW?

  4. Thanks for dropping a line!
    TYFL = Thank You For Looking :D
