Sunday, October 28, 2007

HKG: Time's Up

Just a quick update since I'm balancing packing, scrapping, and entertaining my folks here. :) 

 - Finally finished work last week! Yehey! 
My last day was on the 18th, and now the task of packing and more packing comes to play. With loads of things to pack, I unintentionally forgot my mom's birthday this year! I'm so ashamed! My mom called me that afternoon of her birthday to tell me that I forgot something...couldn't for the life of me know what I've forgotten...till she told me! Oh my gosh...apologized profusely but of course, I basically forgot - slipped my mind. :P House is so empty now...most of the stuff is shipped off already. I've never seen it this empty. I forgot to take a photo of it before I started dismantling the place. Didn't realize how much stuff my brother and I accumulated all these years. I believe it's only he and I that really fully utilized this place, aside from grams. 

 - Wedding details are coming to place quite well. I'm going home for a few weeks before coming back for one last time in Nov (before the big day) to finish further packing and wrapping up with some suppliers here. I'm sad with the thought that I feel closer to my grams living at her place but since she moved on early this year, I think I should do the same with regards to the current residency I'm in. I believe my relatives will be selling it soon. It's a great place and I believe HKG holds a very close place in my heart. I know I'll be back often since I have too many ties here and will always have a place to stay on my own. Bittersweet to not have grams see what I've become. **My mantra for her - "better place...better place...better place.** For now, MNL, here I come! 

 - The 6th and last SUAS scrap challenge is done and out. I'm just thankful for being able to keep my scrap mojo in line after some pretty intense assignments. Can't wait to see the outcome of this contest, even if I know that I'm not in contention or anything. Just being able to complete six weeks of pure scrapping with assigned tasks is a big deal for someone who just scraps whatever. the kits were very versatile since I didn't have a problem with mixing and matching products from different designers -> a first for me! Can't wait to post my works up to show what I did. It was really cool to hide my identity and be judged on the same level ground. I don't believe I gave myself away but you'll be the judge of it when I can fully post it. :) 

 ******** Some scrap news - just got informed that Doodleboogs, AMY, will be retiring from designing digi kits now. I'm sad with the thought but I know she's good and well with her decision. It's a real honor to have been part of her CT and I do wish her well. Amy - you rock and I do hope to see you again sometime in the digi-scrap world. **HUGS** No layouts since I'm busy with the move, wedding, and some pending scrap layouts. I promise soon!


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Can't wait to read y0ur blog live from Manila! Also, can't wait to see all the pictures from your upcoming wedding plans! take care!

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    It's hard to uproot your life and start again but I know you're actually looking forward to your new life with Ed! :)

    Looking forward to the photos! Hope you update soon!

  3. She's alive!!!!!!!

    Hey girl! Hope everything's going well for you...

    Can't wait for more updates!

  4. Oh you're leaving HK. Must be hard for you. Maybe bitter sweet because at the same time you'll be getting married and be making new memories with your hubby. :)

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    hey i saw your photo (with ed) on dino lara's blog. love your dress! you guys enjoyed the game! Hehe. :)

  6. Hey Cheryl! I added your blog to my will always be credited if I do well in my digiscraps. Hehehe!
