Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Photos are Up!

Photos to share! There were so many photos taken so it was so hard to choose!!! Thanks so much to Sister Mandy who sent this award! Sending this to Bethie, Dawn, Val, Cris and Steph since they are all wonderful gal pals! The rules are: * The winner may put the logo on his or her blog * Put a link to the person you got the award from * Nominate five blogs * Put links to the blogs * Leave a message to the nominees Thanks for Cris for this above award! It's truely an honor. :D Sending this to Malou, MizzM, Cayla, Val and Mandy. Sometimes I do wonder how women manage a career and a successful homelife. I believe it would feel like how Tina Fey does it here. Love this ad. It surely is a balacing act for everyone, not only for the wife/mother, but also with everyone in the family. The husband should be willing to help make this work. Although I'm currently happy with where E and I are - happily married (no kids) couple, I know the inevitable is coming since both our folks would like to be grandparents at some point. E's quite supportive with my demanding work since he knows it pushes me to be a better person, but if a kid comes into the picture, I'm wondering if he would allow me to have such a stressful job. Heck, I wonder if I would even stay in the job if there will be risks on the kid/baby. I have a few friends who have been bedridden from Day 1 of being pregnant. I wonder how things will be... These are the things I do think about from time to tim...but recently seeing this ad, it brings about a lot more questions that E and I would need to discuss sooner or later. Speaking of babies, CL's going to be a mommy soon! You and B will surely be wonderful parents!

BIG THANKS TO THOSE WHO VOTED! Please check this out! I recently won Layout Of The Week here! I won for my layout titled, "The day started...". Thanks so much TTS and DawneC for voting my layout as Layout Of the Day to start with. :D

More news to come within the week. I'll post more by next week and hope to get some layouts out in either trad-scrap or digi-scrap. :D ********************************

Title: Have Some Fun Papers and Elements: Willow Wisp by Deanna Patterson/Shabby Scrap Designs Letters: Dotty Sticker Alpha by Deanna Patterson/Shabby Scrap Designs Font: Streamer Program: PS7.0


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Thanks for the nomination girl! LOVE, love all the pictures hope to see more! I bet you had tons of fun w/E! Glad to see you back.

  2. cheryl, thanks for letting me know about the photos! europe is my dream, i hope it becomes a reality! :D

    and thanks for the award hehe. :)

  3. btw, is that bride and groom photo at the Vatican? *sigh*

  4. great europe photos...cant wait for the girls to grow up and go on a family vacation there! ps love that tina fey ad as well. have you seen her sarah palin impersonation? nakakatawa talaga...

  5. Hey...congrats on the Layout of the Week! Very exciting. Thanks for the Kreativ Blogger too. Can you email me and tell me how to put a link in my blog so I can link back to yours? Ya, I am brain dead when it comes to anything with the computer.
