Friday, January 15, 2010

Butterfly Craft Challenge #27

Butterfly Crafts Challenge #27 is up and it's all about one's favorite holiday. At first, I was going to scrap Halloween since it's my all time fav but with a new family tradition, it's hard not to choose Christmas (Eve) for this really fun holiday!

I used Leah Farquharson's
Christmas Cookies available at
Here is my take on this challenge and was a pure joy to create after coming back from Christmas Eve dinner! :D Little Jer performed some Chinese songs and we later played some musical chairs. Awesome awesome time!Title: Gathered
Christmas Cookies by Leah Farquharson; Arial Font
Journaling:This year, as part of my family’s Christmas tradition, My brother proposed to have Christmas Eve dinner at his home at Magallanes Village. It was a great idea since it would mean being able to comfortably stay there for as long as we want and my nephew, Little Jeremy, can go to bed whenever he wanted without having to break-up the dinner and go home. We all contributed in some way:- my brother ordered food, mom cooked and I brought appetizers to help ease the load.
It was a great night of food, company, gift-giving and the start of a great tradition!

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