Monday, June 25, 2012

Mind the Moon & Back

Mind Museum is a well-anticipated, world class Science museum in the Philippines. The below information is taken from their site that I am excited to bring Colin soon. :) For now, I can only read up on it and relate to what my nephew saw/went through during his recent class field trip. 

Mind Museum is the FIRST WORLD-CLASS SCIENCE MUSEUM in the Philippines. It will be our defining legacy that will give the next generation the wings to fly against the challenge of a future shaped largely by service and technology. With over 250 inter-active “minds-on” and hands-on exhibits, the museum will be a venue that will present science as entertaining, fun, and engaging. 

The Mind Museum’s state of the art design will feature FIVE GALLERIES within its two levels:

  • The Story of the Universe: Its Beginning and Majesty 
  • The Story of the Earth: Its Story Across the Breadth of Time 
  • The Story of Life: The Exuberant Varieties of Life 
  • The Story of the Atom: The Strange World of the Very Small 
  • The Story of Technology: The Showcase of Human Ingenuity 

Perfect for some of the photos that my nephew recently shared with me fits Mari and Sugarplum Paperie's kit - To the Moon & Back.

This is my nephew, Jeremy, during one of his class field trips to the Mind Museum, Fort. It was a cool adventure for him and his whole class!
Credit: To the Moon and Back by Mari Koegelenberg and Sugarplum Paperie available at SSD; Font - New Times Roman

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