Monday, September 03, 2012

SAHM status: liking it day-by-day

I'm pretty much adjusting to being a stay-at-home mother with the activities that I've taken on like preparing the day for my son before he goes to school, sending to school then pick-up, grocery/house shopping and other mother items done in the house. It might be boring or routinary to some but I'm quite enjoying it now since I wasn't able to do this when I pregnant with C and I guess I'm feeling the "nesting effect" of it all. It's a great sort of feeling to be able to accomplish so much at home and not have to worry about coming to a house with pending items after work.

I'm currently also preparing for C's party in a few weeks so it's going to be hectic one for me especially we are trying to watch our budget on this "small affair" at home. A lot is done by me &/or have to find cheaper alternatives and sources since aside from the home affair, I'll be giving some small lootbags and some snacks for his school a day before. It's exciting but also nerve-wrecking since I want to do a good job and a lot of the mothers in C's school have already shown what they can do with school parties. Yes, I know it's not a competition but it's hard not to later be compared or find that what you provided doesn't come up nearly to what the others have provided in the past. 

Credits: School is Ghoul by Mari Koegelenberg and Snips and Snails available at SSD; Font: Myriad Pro

Credits: Little Critters by Mari Koegelenberg available at SSD; Font: Myriad Pro

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