Yep, we are expecting our 2nd child this December! We are all excited and anxious all at the same time as parents to another child. It's confirmed to be a girl so we are all uber elated with the new adventure and our wish of completing our family is becoming a reality.
I remember that Ed was in disbelief that we were preggers since it was all so sudden and unplanned so he made me take the test again after a few days...check out the below for results. There's no denying 4 testers, right?
April 08, 6:17am
April 10, 6:24am
It's going to be another year of exciting adjustments and milestones for us! We are complete!!!
Now, it's trying to see what I can recycle from Colin's old items that I would need to go through and another set of preparation for more sleepless nights and toothless smiles on this end. :) This is the good kind of busy I'm ready to take on again. :)
I've been granted some great quality time at home these days and I was able to do two kits at one go! I'm uber happy which the results! :D
Credit: All the Pretty Horses by MKC available at SSD
Credits: Portobello Road by MKC available at SSD; Font - Bell Gothic