Wednesday, October 04, 2006

B&W and Colored Layering

I recently came by the idea of having one's photo be all in B&W except for some focal point or focus. I know that this is nothing new and I'm sure that there is a better way of doing it than how I do it but I'll get better soon. :)
I did it at a previous LO called Citi Family as a first try. I basically have two layers - one B&W and another colored. I erased the layer with the color section, making sure not to erase the section/area that I wanted to highlight.

I was worried about this kit when I saw a preview of my next DT's assignment just around the tail-end of last week. I don't have much girl photos and this kit might be a tricky one since the elements could pose a challenge. I use more ribbons and pattern papers than elements as a habit. This kit pushed me a bit to put some funk like the crown and the decorated "Princess" lettering.

I had a bit of trouble getting the kit since Gigasize's Asian servers are being upgraded thus uploading or downloading capabilities from Hong Kong for awhile. I had to use my office computer since downloading would be easier - time zone difference.

After getting the kit, unzipping and picking one main photo I wanted, I played around with layering b&w and having only the girl to pop out. It was easier than my previous photo since the colors are more simple now. I wanted to use the photo frame and got inspired by those photo frames on one's walls that are hung through a thick ribbon, which was what I did when I used the violet boa behind the photo. I used a sequence of other photos to highlight actions then added an appropriate poem. I know I wanted to use the crown but didn't want to overwhelm my LO but it worked out quite well with the resizing.
This LO was great since everything came out fast and I was happy with it. These types of LOs are what makes me smile and happy ... easy and it all just flowed as I wanted. I was done before lunch time!

The family I featured is my brother's classmate/friend's family.

I end up liking what I did a lot! See below photo and details ~
Kit Name: Glitter Girl (available at Scrapbook-Elements and Scrapoutsideofthebox)
Kit Designer: Brenda Johnson (Sweet Sodypop Designs)
Font: Century
Program: PS7.0
Journaling: When you came into this world I was smiling. Smiling to hear you scream for the first time, so small and perfect, I held you for the first time. Smiling, you opened your eyes to me, I couldnt believe you were mine. You made me so happy with every cry. After all those months of having you in my life, I realized you are my everything! Month after month watching you grow, you filled me with hope, love, and happiness. Watching you sit up by yourself, taking your first steps, your first tooth, your first real bath. Looking at you at 1 year old is so scary. Hearing you realize things are there, knowing who is who. You are growing up so fast, I look at pictures sometimes cry at the memory. You were so small, Now getting bigger. Theres alota stuff you yet to learn. Soon my little princess won't be so little. When that day comes you will know, but at 1 years old, I'm gonna take you all in, every smile, every cry. You are my little princess! I'm still smiling.
~ by 2005 Mallory


1 comment:

  1. Very pretty layout. I just checked out the kit earlier today! It's gorgeous!!! Great job with the layout!
