Friday, September 29, 2006

Going Home Today!

Okay...all excited to be going home. Been looking forward for this since last last week! Going home with mom. I got my schedule all laid down - spend time with bf, get haircut, play golf, spend time with extended family at family dinners...all that...till yesterday's biggest storm that ever hit Manila ~ knocking powerlines, uprooting trees and almost the whole city was in pure standstill with the events of yesterday. Everybody in Manila stayed home and waited for the typhoon to pass....and hopefully the power would be saved...b/ of date.

My flight is tonight (6pm HK Time) and although the typhoon has passed, there is still no power in 80% of the city and internet was down for people in Manila till 10am this morning.
I don't know what I will be expecting...from a very sophisticated and prepared/efficient city as HK...I'll be going home to no power, floods all around and nothing. I wonder what I would be doing for the whole long weekend. I was told that maybe by Sunday, all would be functioning fine but we shall see.

I guess that's why scrapping doesn't take much...I can pull out my stuff at home and do some quick LOs, if need be since no power, no cable, hardly an internet connection....exciting. :P

My mom and I are expecting the worst...but @least I will be "home" and with people that I miss and love. Nothing could dampen my spirits for that!

~Signing out till next week!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! How's your weekend at home??!! Hope that you've had a great time!

    Update please!!!!!

    Have a great week!
