Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Taking Things a Knotch or Two Down

"I think it would be best if you take things a knotch or two down."

That was what I was told by one of my boss/co-worker a few days ago. I know I've been feeling very burnt out and over-stressed by the littlest of things. Note that this is a very tough thing for someone who was taught to do everything now, not tomorrow or later. My mother trained me to do what was assigned to me the fastest way I can and finish all the work before I leave the office. That's what I did at home and that's what I practice at work. It's great and all as long as the work is correct. The problem comes about if problems and carelessness happens.
I am trying my best to slow things around like take a step back and see what I did before sending anything out. I take more time with my reports...moving around...take a break, chat a bit, scrap a bit then come back to see if what I did is okay and correct. There are times when you do need a change in scenery then come back and see another angle. I hope it makes me less stressed out and off-the-wall with unnecessary request/documentations!
The same goes for scrapping. It's okay if I don't have journaling and more or less can glance what I wrote at an instant but for long journalings, I have to force myself to read what I wrote. I'm not big on reading to be honest...unless it's emails from friends and gossip. :P

Amazing of what Ed did...for once he did what I told him or requested him to do! I'm so happy that I strongly believe that hell just froze over! Can't disclose what he did but I'm glad that there are things he do know matter to me. I'm such a stickler to details. Better safe than sorry. :P As what we both say "soon".

Here's some photos of my nephew that is growing bigger by the day! I think fatter too. :P

@ 6 weeks old~ "laughter"

@ 7 weeks old (close to 2 months) ~ "Sweet Souvenirs"

@ 8 weeks old ~ "Sweetest Smile"

How adorable. I can feel so excited and happy for my brother and his wife. :) With a face like that...whose heart wouldn't melt! These are the moments when parents take photos of newborns by the days or by the weeks. Heehee!
I feel like using the 8 weeks photo again soon. I got so many titles in mind so that would be great to use again. Love love this photo of him aside from my current number #1 photo fav which is the feature photo of the Laugher LO. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww...he's a cutie!!

    Hey girl.. slow down and chill! Don't get too burnt out ok...

