Friday, January 19, 2007

GG Alert: Layouts and Other News

"It's a great day for scrapping...stressful for work...whatelse is new."

It's great to be inspired and great kits like below really make me appreciate being part of a Creative Team. It's not only the recognition but also knowing inside that I did the kit great justice. :)

I would like to wish Checo, a fellow Cheryl, a big HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
May you tons and tons more birthdays to come...and by next year, we'd get to meet up!

On a sadder note...grandma (dad's mom) is currently in the hospital. She had an accident late last night...or was it around mid-morning and they had to rush her to the hospital. She fell off of her bed while she was sleeping. I remember she sort of had some blood pressure problem when I went home last week (no, not because of me...:P) - high blood pressure problems.
My dad and mom had to rush early this morning to the hospital to see her. My brother is keeping me posted since the last news was that the doctors found out that she has some kidney problems! They will be operating her tomorrow for her kidney problems and will maybe see if by next week, she is strong enough to get a hip surgery due to the bed accident.

I'm so concern. It's not like my grandma and I are very close...but close eough. She helped me too much on a lot of things that I went through. She's the "Iron Lady" of the bigger family - meaning my dad's generations and even to my cousins. What she says goes. I would run to her directly if I run into problems with my dad...and she normally teaches him or puts him in his place. I owe a lot to her...a lot. I wouldn't be here in Hong Kong if it wasn't for her.
Oh, plus she does snaps me sometimes back to matter how painful it may be at that time and still does hold true.


Title: 5th Month: Teething ~JJ Jr.
Kit Name: Winter Blues (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Teri Hanson
Journaling: 5th Month: Teething
Font: Bell MT
Program: PS7.0
Notes: This is my nephew's teething stage...he's putting everything in his mouth that he can get his cute little hands on. This new teething toy was given by *yours truely*!
It's really true though...aunts are here to spoil nephews any day of the week!

Title: KY, Winter Fun
Kit Name: Winter Blues (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Teri Hanson
Journaling: KY (coded names of good friends), Marie Grace Cafe, Serendra, The Fort, Noel 2006 Font: Bell MT
Program: PS7.0
Notes: This was an annual gathering of Ed's friends and their significant others (SOs). The Ed and his guy pals have been friends since their high school days and now each one had their own SOs on group gatherings. The SOs like K and I have bonded very well and it's all like one big happy family. :) K's going to the US for a few months for work so this is a bit more's my last time to see her before she left. She will surely be missed...especially by Y. :)

Kit Name: 12x12 Tab Templates # Two and City Love (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit Designer: Doodleboogs
Program: PS7.0
Notes: Bday gift for a fellow Cheryl! :) This also got a Garden Girl (GG - tuesdaysfrog/Joanna) in 2Peas' attention! Check out below!

For full details, please check out the site:

Title: With Friends Like These...
Kit Name: City Love & Tab Templates #2 (both from ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit Designer: Doodleboogs
Program: PS7.0
Font: Bell MT
Journaling: With friends like these...who needs anyone else!
Notes: Friends goofing around...and when we do goof around on camera...we really do a good job of it! Hahaha! ~circa Yuletide 2006

Title: Twinkle Twinkle
Kit Name: Megalodon & Tab Templates #2 (both from ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit Designer: Doodleboogs
Program: PS7.0
Font: Georgia
Journaling: Twinkle twinkle little boy, how you fill my heart with joy.
Notes: My little wiggly nephew, JJ Jr...oh how you just twinkle whenever you are in your crib. You are so much like you daddy - he loves his bed a lot too...this is next to his Bloomberg screen. :P


  1. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Sorry about your grandma hope she will be okay. Great job on all the dig lo's!

  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hi Cheryl, not seen you around for ages... some great LO's here :)

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    nice LOs !!!!!
    Linda from France
