Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hoping for Normalcy...(now that reality is setting in)

After a long hiatus, it's great to be back blogging...if only I had more time to really do it.
I'm back to scrapping as usual. I have so much in my plate with the wedding prep (based in HK), work, moving back plans, scrapping, flying home and still getting enough rest & sanity to keep going. I still feel like I'm on holidays...moving too slow and "creative juices" ain't what it used to be before the holidays. I still feel like floating...too carefree. Hay...I just hope that "normalcy" come sooner. I need it else it would really affect my work performance. Still need to work for the wedding expenses. :PP

Holiday Summary:
* Visited my nephew almost everyday with mom...even if it's just a few minutes. He's just so cute and funny! It's not a wonder why his mom would rather spend time with him ever waking hours of the day than anything else in the world! :)
His daily regiment was to: wake up, go to gym (wearing his cool Puma runners), take his new Lightning McQueen for a ride around the house, maybe go to the park with dad, eat, sleep and play with grandma/auntie.

* Played a few rounds (golf) with good pals of mine. Didn't expect much but did seem to have gotten stronger. I miss playing the game...don't miss having to wake up for just a round of golf. :P

* Didn't get to head out Xmas Eve or Xmas day because Ed was sick during Xmas Day and Xmas Eve - we were both tired by the time dinner rolled in. Really cool though...since we are both engaged already, Ed's been expected to come in all of my family affairs now!

* Got to check out a good friend's daughter's wedding. Really nice, solemn and simple. It was on the 28th of last month. Both are based in Singapore and they were able to organize their wedding through emails, SMS messages and telephone --> though they did hire a coordinator's full coordination help. In my case, I will be heading back around mid-August so there will be lots of time to get suppliers confirmed and meet with them by then.

* Hardly met with suppliers aside from the printers again.

* Met some old high school friends...nothing big...though supposedly it's our 10 year reunion too. Everyone was too busy to really plan for this so I heard that maybe there would be something that would celebrate our 10th year reunion this 2007 instead. It was really great to see everyone...and at the same time told them all about getting engaged...with something to show. :)

* Got through the meeting of the parents just fine. It's was definitely awkward at first but I guess it will get easier through time and throughout the wedding planning stage. As early as now, I see conflict in ideas. Ed and I have to manage both sides' expectations. That's going to be the tough one. It's never easy to merge two different families. Good and bad in all this.

Kit Name: My Life's Garden (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Teri Hanson
Program: PS7.0Font: Algerian

Kit Name: My Life's Garden (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Teri Hanson
Program: PS7.0
Font: Algerian

Kit Name: A Little Flaky (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Deborah Vessels
Program: PS7.0
Font: Algerian

Kit Name: A Little Flaky (DigizinesDigitalDen)
Kit Designer: Deborah Vessels
Program: PS7.0
Font: Bell MT
Journaling: "In the eyes of children we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts we find its meaning.” (Leland Thomas)

Kit Name: 12x12 Tab Templates # Two and City Love (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Kit Designer: Doodleboogs
Program: PS7.0


  1. He looks so cute in his little Santa suit. Very cool layouts - sounds like you have been busy :)

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Boy, no wonder you haven't been blogging coz' that would tired me out. Glad you are back blogging though, missed you girl!

  3. So glad your back, have missed you!! Glad you had a good Christmas, mine was busy too!! Love the pages, they're fabulous!!

  4. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Great Lo Cheryl !! love them all !!! :)

  5. you have the most beautiful family!
    and your little nephew is a doll!
    Happy 2007 - I hope you find lots of creative time!!!

  6. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Hi Cheryl, glad wedding plans are going well... do you need a few more hours in your day? LOL some great LOs
