Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lucky 24...and counting (maybe?)

24 - Yep...that's currently my lucky number. :)
It's always amazing to discover other scrapper's comments...remember my previous postings about Garden Girl comments? It's amazing to discover those...though a bit too late now since a few might have forgotten what they commented on in the first place. :P Now, I try to do regular checks or just check up on fairly recent postings to still keep track and answer questions that some might have on some of my supplies/materials. Currently, I found one layout of mine that 24 comments...24 comments - currently my record! It's amazing and does give me some validation that my layouts are still "interesting" to be looked at by other scrappers than me and my family or subjects. Hahaha!

Got Tagged by MizzM (*HUGS*) to do 7 Random goes
#1: I don't like chocolates...never grew to like them and don't believe I will like them.

#2: I have an emotional side that comes out more these days than before. I normally try to show that I'm always in-control and have inner strength. It's when faced with the death of a love one that you really do see one's humanity.

#3: I'm a big fan of 80's cartoons...I still love Jem & the Holograms, the Care Bears, My Little Pony and still keep an on-going Kerroppi collection that I started in the early 90's.

#4: I love music and art. I wanted to be in the art industry when I graduated from high school...even took art history courses to see if I can find a job in that industry. In my head, I always thought I would either end up in the art or music industry OR be a chemist. :P I told myself I would never work for a bank...lo and behold - my first real job in the end was in a bank!

#5: I'm closer to my mom than anyone thought...she and I would talk every single night...especially since I moved here through Skype. It amazes everyone over here since I feel that something's missing if I don't speak to her each night. This is unless there is something going on that evening like dinner plans or anything else there is no excuse not to talk and update mom with what's going on with my day ~ even if it's a short chat only.

#6: Whenever I scrap digitally, I normally have the embellishments, papers out and create from there then think of an appropriate photo for the layout; while for traditional scrapping, I normally have a photo than decide on its layout before I choose my pattern papers (pp) and embellishments.

#7: I think and feel "old" these days...(oh crapper!)

7 pep to't know if I have 7 who would do this but I'm going to be tagging -

  • Wonderful Witty,
  • Sensational Steph & Joel (fellow W@W B2B)
  • Divine Diana (Dbird)
  • Caring Cayla(Cayla73)
  • Marvelous Malou,
  • Hot Mamma Dawn (Crafty Girl),
  • Limber Lammer
  • Vivacious Val (Mrs. MaGoo)
  • Slimming Rick (DJ Rick Rude)
New Banner Up
I got a bit tired of my old banner and wanted something different...something that wouldn't for some odd reason mimic "dots". I didn't realize that as I was doing it that still picked a lot of "dots" or "polka dots" designs/embellishments - no matter how hard I try! Wacky...oh well.
Suppliers: Mikki Livanos' Cosmo Digital Kit available at ~great kit!


Kit Name: Homespun Harmony (available at Digizines Digital Den)
Kit Designer: ShabbyScrapDesigns (Deanna Patterson)
Kit Link:
Font: Times New Roman
Program: PS7.0
Journaling: per my definition...mother to 7 children, 21 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren...- an amazing cook..."Five Generations Mother" ~ very rare as per tradition...Iron Lady of the Chan Clan...a wise adviser...MY GUARDIAN forever...enough said
Notes: This is a tribute to my grams, who passed away just last month. No amount of words can describe how much she means to me and all of my family...even if we hardly say it out loud...and often.

Title: Parents
Kit Name/Designer: Floral Fantastico by Mikki Livanos (available at Scrapbook-Elements)

Kit Site:
Template Name/Designer: 12x12 Template No. Eleven - Asian Flair by Doodleboogs (available at ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Template Site:
Program: PS7.0
Font: Times New Roman
Journaling: We never know the love of our parents for us until we have become parents ourselves. (by Henry Ward Beecher)
Notes: This a photo-opt during my extended trip back to MNL of my brother and his whole family. What a great sight and definitely a great backdrop. Ironically, it's at my grandma's funeral wake - venue is very country-club like...very surreal to be honest. It's not a typical funeral parlor that we used to go - country-club setting, garden with a man-made stream in front, patio seating in front, buffet dinners to friends and family everyday and tons of great company each evening. People were in better spirits since we were told that grams is a very lucky to have gone through a very fruitful life. This is a happy funeral than a sad one as per Chinese tradition. All this made everything somehow less painful and everyone seems to look forward than backward.


  1. Lovely tribute to your grandmother :)

  2. Hey girlie! LOVE the new banner! I WANT! The colors just makes me happy!

    I really enjoyed learning a bit more about you through that tag. :D

    Great tribute to your Ama. Lovely layouts!

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Morning my sweet :D |Some LO stunners for us to feast our eyes on, beautiful... oh and thanks for tagging me - you little rascal - I will try and do this :D Have a wonderful day

  4. cool layouts cheryl! thanks for the well wishes :)

  5. beautiful tribute to your Grandmother, I am so sorry for your loss! :(
