Thursday, April 26, 2007

Weekend Updates: The Beauty of Shopping in HK

Last weekend updates:
...FRIDAY was movie night with my pal, Swong. I got free preview tickets for the movie,The Asphalt Jungle, a 1950s John Huston movie that stars Marilyn Monroe. Nominated for 4 Oscars, it was an Agnès b. sponsored movie event at the Agnès b. CINEMA! in Wan Chai. I've been quite curious of this theater and this was a great reason to visit it. :)
After a quick dinner, Swong and I went to Wan Chai. The theater was small, a bit crap and not much leg room but what can you really expect, right? It's a movie theater that normally shows art films with limited seating. So as the saying going..."things are always better on photos."

The movie was a B&W one but not bad for a 1950s movie. The plot is about a major heist gone wrong due to double crossings and pure bad luck - reminds me of a crude Oceans 11 but with a more simpler effects - basically robbing a jewelry safe. :)
Marilyn had only a few lines in a few scenes. She was the mistress of a big backer, who was already bankrupt. Swong and I can so see what made Marilyn so popular. She portrayed this helpless and beautiful bombshell...interesting really. It's still what men really want in a girl that is quite unrealistic especially for today's working and career-oriented woman. :)
I enjoyed the cinematography and the plot. Swong found it really funny especially with the fight scenes since the guys were not throwing punches at each other but instead were slapping each other! hahahaha! It was hilarious and totally unexpected.

...SATURDAY had late lunch with some friends and my godkids. Good ol' dependable buffet at the Marina. After that, I had to get back to the office to get back to the office to finish off some stuff ~ yes I know...sad but best to get it all done...especially when my boss is already asking about it and I left the office early on Friday to watch the movie. Met up with a friend to have dinner around the area after checking out HMV - got two new CDs - Joss Stone's "Introducing..." and Caroline's Murmurs (chillout).

...SUNDAY was a very productive shopping trip...crazy shopping actually. To think, I was alone and in CWB! I was visiting stores left and right - getting things that I "needed". I can't believe that I have dropped 2 inches in my waist size! Instead of a 28, which I know is what I bought last year, to a 26! Amazing! I couldn't believe it and did go to each store and ask for 28 and 27 but it was super loose. I guess it's all that congee that I've been having at work instead of the typical rice meals.
Getting back to my shopping spree, I got to check out the new branch of Agnès b. Le Pain Grille at Kingston Street. It is more modern than its first branch, behind Lee Gardens but the waiters are all familiar to me and it was a real treat to go to somewhere where you feel at home and know the people. Their menu is a bit more and they offer a more diverse set-lunch. I went during high tea as I wait for my pants to be done (had it cut since it was super duper long for me). The resto was above their renovated store so as I wait for my table I check out the store again since they get pieces frequently though in lots so each week can be different from last week's since they do it make shopper traffic more consistent.
In the end, I ended up getting 2 pairs of work pants from Giordano (dependable and CHEAP slacks), black jeans from Sogo (got nothing to wear on the weekend - read on and you'll see why), B&W tshirt, a gray dress and a pair of white shoes (all from Agnès b.). The latter article took me a very long walk to various branches of Agnès b. in the area since I didn't want the display pair that was offered to me due to is discoloration already. This pair was a pain since the saleslady didn't want to phone the other branches around the area to save me the walk and she claims that the color and size are already sold out in HK! Annoying but I still went off to go to the stores and ask these myself! I luckily found one last pair at the last store in the had to be the last Lee Gardens 2...and the saleslady had to get it all the way in their store room so I definitely know that this pair has not been worn. True was the perfect pair. What a good ending to the weekend and to a great shopping day. :)
I believe I have melted my credit card that day!

Why do I need to change my wardrobe?
I have never changed my wardrobe to be honest. I normally keep what I have unless I grew out of it. It's not a yearly or seasonal thing that some might go through, though after the above experience, I wouldn't mind at all. :)
All this is due to the Chinese tradition of mourning - wherein I'm only allowed to wear cloths that are white, black and maybe gray. No reds, family of "reds" - pinks, fuscha, yellow, orange, gold (silver is okay), aqua, bright and happy colors in general.
Blue jeans are out though good thing white is in since it's summer already. Gram's timing is great - white is currently so "IN"! :)
Upon my arrival in HK, I took out 3/4th of my cloths here and thus had to revamp my wardrobe to the specified colors. Note...although, I heard my dad and his siblings has been spotted wearing khaki pants (though browns are not suppose to be worn also...since they say that it has "red" in it...) to the office instead of white. I believe we are all pretty lenient about this clothing issue.
***Confession - I have been repeating a lot of whites, blacks and grays that I have. I'm glad that my officemates won't really care since we are all busy with our own work to really notice these days. :P

The rest of this week...
Slowly got into the swing of scrapping again this week. Nothing much to report on though Ed's coming for a visit this weekend. Yipee! It would be a lot of going out and just hanging out with Ed. We didn't really get to do much of that on my last visit since the sting of loss was quite prevalant in everything - from not being able to go to friends houses to visit (Chinese traditions also) to not being able to express joy or happiness in any way & wearing all white for days on end.


Kit: Mikki Livanos' Coffee Haus Paper Pack & Essentials Kit and April 2007 Newsletter Gift- Showers to Flowers (Scrapbook-Elements)
Template: Doodleboogs' 12x12 Template #Twelve - Irregularly Horizontal Template Kit (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Program: PS7.0
Font: Times New Roman
Journaling: Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends whom we choose. (based on a Chinese Proverb)
Notes: Some good friends of mine...goofing around while we have hotpot. :)

Kit Location: Pajamas (Freebee Gift) by Mikki Livanos (Scrapbook-Elements)
Elements: City Love's Elements Kit by Doodleboogs (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Paper Tears: Sticker Notes Tears #One - Grungy & Bright by Doodleboogs
Template: 12x12 Template No. Eleven - Asian Flair by Doodleboogs (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Journaling: The art of largely the art of persistence. ~by Albert Ellis
Font: Times New Roman
Program: PS7.0
Notes: Vday 2007 - last Vday before we are hitched. :)

Kit: Civilized Punk by ShabbyScrapDesigns/DPatterson (DigizinesDigitalDen
Template: Doodleboogs' 12x12 Template #Twelve - Irregularly Horizontal Template Kit (ScrapOutsideOfTheBox)
Program: PS7.0
Notes: A friend's photo share of my good friend's whole family's most recent trip to Niagara Falls - TY Ellen!

Journaling: My breath is taken by the sweet treasure I have been given... al-ways e-ter-nal in-fi-nite for-ev-er end-less
Font: Times New Roman
Program: PS7.0
Note: A scraplift of Caroline Ikeji's EAT. See below:

If you think scraplifts are easy - it's not. Finding the right amount to lift and what to follow one's own instincts are pretty tough. My photo just shows you one of the many important things that makes me happy at this moment.


  1. Cool layouts - yeah scraplifts can be harder than doing your own thing - funny isn't it :)

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    sosyal! agnes b cinema my goodness!

  3. layouts look great ! :)


  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    OMGoodness a bumper posting from you today - I love all the LOs (of course :)) and love the theatre image, glad you had fun... I need to change my wardrobe - from black to a nice bright orange or red LOL Have a wonderful day :D

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Cool, LO"s girl! I envy you for doing so much! I haven't had the inspiration to do any scrapbooking even our trip to the philippines bcoz' this cold is kicking me!
