Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Home Shopping of a Homeless...

Saturday, July 21
CityGate Plaza Visit
~ checked out a far new place...all the way at Tung Chung. This is is somewhat end to end for me - cost was HKD23 (roughly USD3) or double that for both ways. Check the map on the right side - from right to left in direction.
~ A lot of the local flight stewardesses stay in the Tung Chung Area since it's just a stone throw away from the airport and the environment is quite nice. It's just a disadvantage for them to head to the city since travel time takes up a hour or so.
~ the plaza is marketing to be the outlet heaven in HK for top name brands with bargain basement prices like Nike, Reebox, Lanvin, Polo, Vivienne Tam, Beneton, Laura Ashley, etc
~ tons of things to see and look...lazy to try on the hundreds of nice pants at Esprit...rubber shoes at Nike...shirts from Sisley --> fairly cheap
~ I believe I went there with no expectations so it was okayf or me.
~ ended up getting a nice throw from Laura Ashley for the house. I love the pasley design of it and it's in beige. It's still in great condition and at half the price, a great steal! (FYI: a throw is a light coverlet/blanket, such as an afghan, that is thrown over something like sofas or some furnitures. I know ... I's so girlie but hey - I want to have some civilized items at my "new home" when the time comes. This is coming from someone who is quite cultured in the art of "high tea". Hahahaha!) I'll post a photo of the throw later on...or I can scrap it sometime later.
~ Oh oh...have you met Bobo yet? I was able to pick up my free Bo keychain since I entered their contest to find how many Bo's are on the left photo...can't remember how many now since I had to submit it through their site. That's why I went to CityGate - to get my freebee and check out what's the fuss with the place. :)

Sunday, July 22
CWB shopping & Agnes b
~ woke up late and basically just had dimsum lunch around my area
~ walked around CWB later in the afternoon...plan to have tea at Agnes b...things changed due to time constraints
~ visited Vivienne Tam (to pick up my discount card and discount coupon), Giordano Ladies (everything was 50% off so tons of girls running around), Club8 (final sales going on)
~ got two Drifters shirts at Club8...crapper...not part of sale because it's a new arrival...darn!
~ got one shirt (office like shirt) from Agnes b and checked out its home store, Agnes b La Maison at Leighton Street. I got a few more things there - legitimately for the house. It's the home concept store of Agnes b and they have their ceramics and tablewares. The floral shop is also at the same location. It's pretty cool since there's an outdoor terrace that you can sit and be surrounded by these lovely flowers and plants with a fountain as you look out on the 2nd floor. So cool...wish I can just sit there with some tea. :P
~ visited and chatted up with Teddy of Le Pain Grille...he offered me his "allocation" to buy stuff from any Agnes b store since he hardly uses's like 50% off of merchandizes and clothing (!) bonus!
~ got some desserts for some people in the office since I got the buy-one-get-one-free-desserts coupon the last time I went there for dinner.
~ tried one of the new desserts offered by the cafe now - Rasberry White Chocolate Cake...forgot to take a photo!

July Visitors Update:
5.) My Aunt and Godmother Clarita and her daughter, Richie
6.) Ed's Pit Crew - Marty, Yeki and their respective SOs (Significant Others)
~Both groups will be leaving by Friday so I get the weekend to myself again. :)

This July has really been an interesting month, I have to say - I do want July to end! I'm counting the days and can't wait for August to start then by mid-August, I want it all to end.
September is my last month with the company before I prepare to packup and go back to Manila. It's been a stressful week especially in dealing with a long distant relationship. Ed wants me back home ASAP while my mom would tell me to stay a bit longer so I wouldn't be doing nothing in Manila or be bored. Hay...I feel like I'm being pulled from all sides on this.

I stumbled to an interesting and popular blog recently. It's called EastSouthWestNorth by Ronald Soong. The site deals with translated Chinese news in English. You can know more about Ronald and this interesting yet sometimes controvercial site at Onmynews. Take note, a lot of important foreign journalists visit and read this guy's thoughts.

Template: Doodleboog's 12x12 Template Fourteen - Polaroidization (
Paper: Mikki Livanos'
Let Freedom Ring Page Kit (available at
Program: PS7.0
Font: Party Balloons
Journaling: Happy Bday Jeremy
Photos: my brother, Jay

Kit Name:
Tilly(available at
Kit Designer: Deanna Patterson (Shabby Scrap Designs)
Program: PS7.0
Font: Agency FB
Author: Tamika Roberson
Defining the spiritual nature of woman
The initial process of I can
It’s created by your thoughts and emotion,
It’s symbolized with caring and the right potion.
Afton though of as immaterial entity
The fact that I exist should be my identity
The conscious of man is the very essence of purity.
The meaning of character and individuality
Defining Soul is what you are,
The heavens and the stars
This is easy for me,
It’s what I am, it’s what I see!
Notes: a layout about me

Kit Name: Tilly (available at
Kit Designer: Deanna Patterson
Program: PS7.0
Font: Maiandra GD
Journaling: Helen Steiner Rice, author
A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above
A handful of happiness
a heart full of love.
The mystery of life
so sacred and sweet
The giver of joy, so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless, so lovable, too,
The world's sweetest miracle,
is you.
Notes: Congratulations to Jean and Tony for their new family addition, Gavin!
- These are times when I just love what I scrap wonderful and endearing photos...oh and friends who share photos with me. Check out some of the most recent reviews on this particular layout...even got a comment from a Garden Girl, Joy. :)


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    hey i went to tung chung last time i was there. nice mall a lot of interesting stuff but i was really holding back. i know myself- i can hoard clothes when i want to but end up having nothing to do with them! oh well...

    hope you have a safe flight back to manila! it'll be september in an instant! :)

  2. Don't worry the months will go by fast, just hang on! Wow, I would've gone crazy shopping at that mall.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    morning hun - love reading what you've been getting up and or course love the lo's - all gorgeous

  4. Hi! I was just bloghopping when I saw your blog. Thanks for featuring City Gate Plaza. My family and I are headed for HK this October and I'm looking for outlet stores in HK for shopping. :)
