Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Let The Parties Begin...

Saturday, July 28:
- went to Whampoa (Hong Hum) hung out with friends to play billiards and build up my skills on it: KW & WW. Two really cool "bodyguards" of mine for that day. We played around 5 hours of billiards.
- simple dinner at Outback Steakhouse... good big portions with freebees as you wait! We got a chicken pasta dish, cheese fries, shrimp popcorn, and hot wings. yum!
- played a few more rounds - amazingly enough, I was able to win a round or two with luck :P

Sunday, July 29:
- booked family dinner resto for upcoming weekend...deciding the menu is tough since they all come in Chinese...tougher to communicate! :P Oh the name of good family meal...
- bought some rubber stamps from City Super
- had my Agnes b moment: I had a big craving for croquette monsieur - see previous post and only Agnes b's le Pain Grille did the trick.

On a sad note, my good friend, Teddy, from Agnes b's Le Pain Grille resigned just last week. I found out about it when I went back for afternoon sandwich and tea. I felt really sad upon hearing the news. He will surely be missed. Ming told me that Teddy left for personal reasons. I called him up later in the evening to check on how he was doing. He told me that he was fine and was planning to go back to Manila for a short visit and come back after a week to start another job hunt. I wished him luck and told him to let me know if he needs help or anything.

To counter-balance the above news...on a lighter note: I'm excited about this weekend since my parents, brother & wife, and Eddie & his parents are coming over for some pre-wedding stuff like getting introduced to my relatives here and the same with Ed's side. It's going to be a lot of great eating and celebration. I am so preparing my stomach for left and right feastings. :)

No layouts this week since I'm also swamp with moving office and extra work before the big weekend celebrations...but as a teaser, I did get this cool kit, Pinky Green, from Mikki Livanos to play soon. :) This will soon be released at her store. I'll post up the link when it's up.
Happy Birthday, DST!

1 comment:

  1. it's really fun to read your blog and find out about your latest shopping and resto experience. not to mention the layouts that feeds the eye.

    looking forward to the layouts that you'll finish with these new kits!

    anyways, i've tagged you nga pala:
